Friday, April 17, 2009

Dynamic Capabilities in Construction -- Interim Results for the 2009 Survey on Indonesian Construction Firms

I’m conducting a research survey as a part of my Ph.D study to elicit critical comments and feedback from Indonesian large construction firms regarding to their dynamic capabilities and industry specific factors that contribute business success in Indonesia.

The research is based on the Dynamic Capabilities Framework (Teece, D.J., 1994/1997 ; 2007/2009) and Five Forces Framework (Porter, M.E., 1985)


10 April 2009 – This summary was prepared for the 31 March 2009 online based result only, the paper based versions were not included and the result given here is now outdated

Please contact me on +61 402155808 or email if you would like more information or a copy of research results.

Thanks, M. Sapri Pamulu

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Survei Bisnis Konstruksi 2009

Beberapa waktu lalu, suatu survei tahap-1 terkirim yang bermaksud mendapatkan masukan tentang dampak dari factor-faktor dan dan luar terhadap strategi bisnis konstruksi. Perusahaan anda termasuk dalam populasi dari perusahaan konstruksi yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Survei merupakan proyek penelitian mahasiswa pasca sarjana yang dibiayai oleh Queensland University of Technology Australia.
Jika anda telah menyelesaikan dan mengembalikan survey tersebut kepada kami, perkenankan kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Jika belum, sebagaimana Survey Tahap-2 ini merupakan survey tindak-lanjut dengan anda tentang survey sebelumnya, dan kami akan sangat menbghargai jika anda dapat melengkapi daftar pertanyaan hari ini. Kami memahami bahwa ini adalah waktu yang sangat menyibukkan tahun ini, tetapi adalah hal yang sangat penting bahwa informasi tentang asset dan kapabilitas perusahaan anda termasuk dalam studi kami untuk memberi gambaran yang luas tentang bisnis konstruksi yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Survei ini memerlukan waktu sekitar 15 - 30 menit untuk dilengkapi baik versi cetak (offline) maupun online versi Bahasa Indonesia dan English version
Untuk melengkapi survei ini, dimohon untuk memperhatikan instruksi sebagai berikut:
1. Survey ini akan mengkaji hubungan antara asset, kapabilititas dan kinerja perusahaan, kami menganjurkan untuk dengan singkat membaca semua faktor di Bagian Pertama, dan Daftar definisi yg tersedia sebelum membuat tanggapan akhir.
2. Untuk setiap item pertanyaan, mohon lingkari nomor yang tepat sesuai dengan jawaban anda. Terdapat tiga (3) bagian untuk diselesaikan ( Section/Bagian I, II, dan III)
3. Semua informasi dari sini akan diperlakukan dengan sangat rahasia. Semua data yang terkumpul akan dianalisa dan semua informasi tentang perusahaan/responden akan disimpan terpisah dari data survey.
4. Jika nada berkenan untuk menerima souvenir dan ringkasan hasil survey dari kami, mohon mengisi data respondend pada tempat yang tersedia di bagian akhir survey ini (hal.9).
5. Dimohon untuk melengkapi survey ini sebelum tanggal 31 Maret jika memungkinkan.. Survei yang telah diselesaikan agar dikirim melalu fax atau surat elektronik kepada M. Sapri Pamulu / Stephen Kajewski, BEE-QUT Brisbane, Australia 4001, Fax +61-7-31381170 (Internasional) or +62-21-7817235 (Lokal) atau email to

Terima kasih atas partisipasi dan kerjasamanya. M.Sapri Pamulu

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Indonesia Infrastructure Report 2009


Indonesia’s power crisis has rumbled on this quarter, with fears existing over the impact of the country’s power deficit and regular brown outs on Indonesia’s economy. In July 2008, Reuters reported that Japan’s ambassador to Jakarta had sent a letter of complaint to the Indonesian government on the behalf of approximately 400 Japanese firms with operations in Indonesia. Members of the Jakarta Japan Club, a Japanese expatriate business club, are considering pulling out. The club includes Panasonic Lighting Indonesia, which has operations in East Java. Japanese firms have been hit by Indonesia’s power crisis, which due to regular power cuts, has led to stop-start production and financial losses. BMI notes that Indonesia’s economy would suffer if Japanese companies were to relocate. Japan is a major investor in Indonesia. There are over 900 Japanese companies with operations in the archipelago. Indonesia offers Japanese companies a large market and cheap labour. The influx of Japanese investors began in the 1960’s and the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) reports that Japanese investment in Indonesia since then totals US$43bn.

Indonesia’s power infrastructure maybe causing problems for some Japanese companies but it is also offering opportunities for other. In August 2008, the Japanese firm Marubeni Corporation in consortium with France’s Alstom won a US$247mn contract for the construction of a combined cycle gas power plant on the island of Java.

A programme to build new capacity for power generation is just one way in which Indonesia is tackling its power crunch. The country’s deficit between power production and demand is set to reach 39TWh in 2008, and in addition to launching a strategy of planned brownouts, the country is also swapping from gasoline to natural gas, a fuel which the archipelago has in abundance. This is planned to help the country solve its power problems in the mid term, as well as manage problems with providing power in the short term. The strategy became active on July 21 2008, and will run until the end of 2009 for the Islands of Java and Bali. The decree will mean that manufacturing companies will have to move working days each month to a Saturday or Sunday. It is believed that the change is hours will better distribute electricity consumption, and hopefully reduce the number and severity of power surges, which often lead to blackouts.

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